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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Is Common Sense or Research Needed to Cure Cancer?

 by: Dr. Randy Wysong

It is an incredible feat that organisms can begin from one cell and then differentiate and compartmentalize into the millions of diverse tissue and organ niches that represent a mature body. Why brain, fingernail, liver, intestine and bone cells ever become what they are is mystery enough. Why they stay what they have become while still retaining the full genetic information to produce an entire new body, compounds the miracle even more.
Cancer is a condition in which cells lose their orientation and proliferate uncontrollably. Any cell can become cancerous. A lot of them do, but are squelched by cell death (apoptosis), the immune system or nipped in the bud by DNA repair mechanisms. Successful cancer cells escape these impediments, disregard normal cellular checks and balances and become an island unto themselves with only their own survival and self-interests at heart.
The cause of cancer is no mystery. It is our aberrant modern living context that has put us at cancer risk. When cells are forced to bathe in a milieu (the tissue soup we create with modern foods, drugs and lifestyle) entirely unlike what they are genetically programmed to expect, they revert to their most primitive directive – multiply, multiply, multiply – without regard for neighbors. It’s a sort of payback for our disregard for “neighbors” when we pollute and repudiate nature. Why should our cells be polite to their neighbors if we don’t have regard for ours? Since the immune system is compromised from the chronic stresses created by modern living, defenses are down. Couple this with the nutritionally depleted and perverted modern processed diet and you have the incubator for cancer.
Today, about one in three humans will get cancer. In pets it is worse and perhaps the leading cause of death. No evidence exists that the disease was of similar incidence before our modern era. President Nixon's "War on Cancer" (beginning in the early 1970s) is the most failed and embarrassing "military" campaign ever undertaken by any nation at any time in history. One person in 30 got cancer at the beginning of the 20th century, now almost one in two do.
Some will say that the only reason the incidence has increased is because humans and animals live longer due to modern medical measures. So when science fails in their mission to defeat cancer, they cleverly spin the failure as their success. As I have shown previously (Why Modern Medicine is the Greatest Threat to Health, this is nonsense since modern medical measures are themselves probably the number one threat to life.
The reason for cancer and most chronic degenerative diseases is modern living, pure and simple. We have subjected ourselves to an artificial environment to which we are not adapted. Nature – not exhaust, sugar, pop and plastic – is what we are designed for. Screw with Mother Nature and a price will be paid.
Whatever the inciting cause, it is known that inducement and propogation needs to be relentless and of long-standing duration. Cancer can have a latency period of decades, requiring continuous exposure to the inciting stress. Our departure from our genetic roots certainly qualifies.
If disease does not strike immediately after a bad life choice, then the conclusion is that the choice is just fine. We refuse to take the long view and make intelligent decisions now for consequences that may not emerge until years later. It's a common human failing we see replayed in every aspect of human endeavor. It's the modus operandi in government, economics, agriculture, social issues and health care. Living in the moment is what children and animals do. We should do better with the pounds of gyri and sulci resting on our shoulders.
Nevertheless, this common sense approach (returning to our genetic roots) to preventing cancer and other diseases will be ignored. Instead we will pour billions of dollars into research to discover the cure for cancer. But there will never be a cure other than respecting our genetic heritage and living, eating, breathing and drinking as we were designed to do. A pill or vaccine to save us just isn't going to happen.
Let me give some examples of recent research findings that reveal the obvious. First there is the "discovery" that fresh fruits and vegetables contain anti-cancer nutrients such as antioxidants, vitamins and flavanoids. Why would they not be anti-cancer, they are the natural food of humans? No research is necessary to discover that!
Then there is the "discovery" that cancer preferentially feeds on glucose, diverting it from body use and inefficiently metabolizing it by glycolysis into lactate and a couple ATP energy molecules. (Glucose normally yields 38 ATP.) The body then has to reconvert the lactate back, via the Cori cycle, into glucose (at an energy cost). The net result is that the cancer acts like an energy sink resulting in cachexia, a pathetic condition of severe muscle wasting and debilitation. Modern diets are laden with sugar and starches that not only provide the perfect food for cancer but the perfect acidic medium in tissues. Processed sugar and starch is not a natural human food. No research is needed to discover that!
Research has also shown that a low carbohydrate, high protein, high arginine (meat amino acid), low omega-6 fatty acid and high omega-3 fatty acid diet is useful for both preventing and treating cancer. Tumor cells do not do well on fats or protein. But they love that sugar. The natural, raw diet for humans and their pets is high in fat (the preferred energy source) and protein, high in omega-3 fatty acids (fish, wild meat, some seeds and vegetables) and low in omega-6 fatty acids (grains, grain-fed meats and most oils), and is alkalinizing. This is no scientific discovery. It's common sense.
But companies are clamoring to patent versions of natural diets and crediting their science for discovering the obvious. Examples are new patented, "cancer-fighting" foods featuring high fat, high omega-3 fatty acids, low carbohydrates, and high protein and arginine. Finally, feeding people and pets what they should have been getting all along (as, I hate to say, I have been arguing for decades) is so novel that it is patentable!
It is the edge-of-the-map science that is responsible for this sorry state of affairs. Like the ancient mariners who believed the world ended where their maps left off, science has assumed that calories, regardless of their source, were the edge of their map. Their nutritional world ends with calories and percentages of known nutrients. Science has insisted that if a human or animal requires X calories per pound each day, it matters not whether those calories come from fresh, real foods or Twinkies. That's why hospital patients paying a thousand dollars a night dine on Registered Dietician Jell-O, diet pop and instant potatoes.
What has been ignored is that calories are not the edge of the map; ships do not drop off the Earth when they disappear over the horizon. Now the world beyond the edge of conventional medicine and nutrition is slowly being rediscovered. The world is round... and people and animals require their natural, genetically programmed diet that lies beyond the edge of science’s calories. Quality of calories do matter and is a whole new world promising health.
So, to increase the chance of having cancer, or to speed its progression, eating the standard modern fare is the way to go. Get lots of sugar and lots of grain-based foods such as pasta, bread, cereal, bagels, donuts (which convert to sugar after consumed) and lots of vegetable oils. Increase carbohydrates, eat oleo and look for low-fat foods. Drink very little water and instead enjoy acidified pop and municipal acidic water. Tumors thrive on this banquet.
You can wait for “research” to prove that natural foods and natural living (fresh air, exercise, sunlight, loving relationships) prevent and reverse cancer, or you can be a thinking person and apply this obvious wisdom beginning today.

Further Reading:
The Wysong Optimal Health Program™
Lipid Nutrition – Understanding Fats and Oils in Health and Disease
Is the U.S. Healthier than Ever?
What to Do to Reverse and Prevent Acidemia
Shorts – Acidosis...I Told You So
Cancer and Diet
Cancer and Sulforaphane from Veggies
Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Fish Oil for Cancer
Sugar and Cancer
Flax Seeds and Cancers

About the author:
Dr. Wysong is a former veterinary clinician and surgeon, college instructor in human anatomy, physiology and the origin of life, inventor of numerous medical, surgical, nutritional, athletic and fitness products and devices, research director for the present company by his name and founder of the philanthropic Wysong Institute. He is author of The Creation-Evolution Controversy now in its eleventh printing, a new two volume set on philosophy for living, several books on nutrition, prevention and health for people and animals and over 15 years of monthly health newsletters. He may be contacted at and a free subscription to his e-Health Letter is available at

How to care for yourself during Breast Cancer Radiation Treatment

by: Phil Wiley

Battling Cancer is a tough time in anyone’s life. Perhaps the toughest. That’s why we’ve decided to write this article on how to care for yourself during radiation for Breast Cancer.
It very important to properly care for yourself during radiation for breast cancer. Keep in mind that after radiation you could feel fatigued for up to six weeks. Sleep as much as you like during this time – one thing you really need is your rest.
Also, make sure after radiation that you wear a comfortable bra. Making sure your bra fits properly and doesn’t rub in any way is all part of good care for yourself during radiation for breast cancer. If a part of your bra rubs place a soft cloth between the bra and your skin.
Weight loss can be a problem after radiation treatment. In order to properly care for yourself during radiation for breast cancer make sure you eat a balanced diet. This will help you to avoid weight loss and keep your energy levels as high as possible.
Keep the skin fold area under your breast clean and talk to your doctor before using any powders, lotions, deodorants or perfumes. As part of your care for yourself during breast cancer radiation you need to make sure you are not using any products that might react with your skin at this time or do something to affect the radiation treatment in any way. Because of this it is best to avoid deodorants. Deodorants contain magnesium, and this can inhibit the effectiveness of the radiation treatment. To avoid reactions with the treated area, also avoid starching your clothes.
As part of care for yourself during radiation for breast cancer bathe the treated area in lukewarm water. This is because hot and cold water can damage your skin.
Article by health writer Kate Wiley of Health in 1 and Advice on Health
You may use this article on your website providing you include the above author bio and active link to our health sites.
About the author:
Kate and Phil Wiley run the popular health sites Health in 1 and Advice on Health

Mesothelioma And Asbestos - The Killer Connection

by: Kirsten Hawkins

Mesothelioma and asbestos are so much linked that many people call it by the name of mesothelioma asbestos. While mesothelioma is a serious cancer, asbestos is its main cause. While one may approve of things that remain of use for a long time, their effect on the surroundings decides the worthiness of that product in the end. The same holds true with asbestos. The 1940s and 1950s saw a surge of ‘asbestos’ as the next best thing to happen after cement in the construction industry. Due to it’s high degree of stability and resistance to very high temperatures, asbestos was applied greatly in insulators and ceiling tiles in homes, schools and factories.
However, this product is a harmful contaminant. Asbestos has the tendency to break into small particles and remain suspended in the air for longer durations. Any individual that comes in contact or inhales it becomes vulnerable to serious diseases such as asbestosis, lung cancer or the mesothelioma lung cancers.
Types of Mesothelioma:
Mesothelioma, asbestos related cancer, acquires it’s name from the mesothelium cells that are responsible for protecting and enabling easy movement of our vital organs such as lungs, heart and the abdomen in the body. Mesothelioma is generally of three types, pleural mesothelioma, peritoneal mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma.
If a person is suffering from hoarseness, difficulty in breathing, loss in weight, coughing, blood in sputum, chest pain, weak muscles, reduced tactile sensitivity, he may be suffering from Pleural mesothelioma or the cancer of lining of the lungs. This is the most common type of mesothelioma and almost two-thirds of the mesothelioma patients suffer from pleural mesothelioma. The Peritoneal mesothelioma or cancer of the lining of the abdomen causes impaired bowel motion, bloating, swelling in feet, and nausea. This is less common among mesothelioma patients and it affects one-third of the mesothelioma patients. Pericardial mesothelioma is of the cancer of lining of the heart. It is also caused because of asbestos exposure. However, its prevalence is rare. Pericardial mesothelioma manifests in the form of chest pain, palpitations, cough and dyspnea.
Lawsuits Related to Mesothelioma and Asbestos:
The hazardous consequences of long term contact with asbestos and its linkage to mesothelioma cancers has led to several lawsuits against its manufacturers. The mesothelioma or asbestos attorneys claim that the asbestos manufacturers were aware of the harmful affects of asbestos exposure and yet persisted with its use for profit motives. This is the reason why juries have ordered stringent awards in many mesothelioma and asbestos related lawsuits.
About the author:
Kirsten Hawkins is a asbestos and mesothelioma specialist from Nashville, TN. Visit information on asbestos reform, mesothelioma lawsuit news, and more.

Just How Dangerous is Asbestos?

by: Mike Andrews

With the increase in the number of lung cancer cases in recent years, it is vitally important to educate ourselves on the risks and consequences of asbestos exposure which accounts for over 80% of all mesothelioma cancer cases; a form of cancer, caused by asbestos exposure, that can affect the lungs (Pleural form), abdomen (Peritoneal form), and even the membrane around the heart.. A hefty 2000 new cases are being diagnosed every year according to the National Cancer Institute, and that number is on the rise. This leaves the question to be asked...
Just how dangerous is asbestos exposure?
Significant exposure to any type of asbestos will increase the risk of lung cancer, mesothelioma and nonmalignant lung and pleural disorders, including asbestosis, pleural plaques, pleural thickening, and pleural effusions. This is based on observations of these diseases in groups of workers with cumulative exposures ranging from about 5 to 1,200 fiber-year/mL. The conclusion is supported by results from animal and mechanistic studies.
Tobacco smokers who have been exposed to asbestos have a "far greater-than-additive" risk for lung cancer than do nonsmokers who have been exposed, meaning the risk is greater than the individual risks from asbestos and smoking added together. The time between diagnosis of mesothelioma and the time of initial occupational exposure to asbestos commonly has been 30 years or more.
Asbestos Facts:
1. When asbestos fibers are inhaled, most fibers are expelled, but some can become lodged in the lungs and remain there throughout life. Fibers can accumulate and cause scarring and inflammation. Enough scarring and inflammation can affect breathing, leading to disease.
2. People are more likely to experience asbestos-related disorders when they are exposed to high concentrations of asbestos, are exposed for longer periods of time, and/or are exposed more often.
3. Inhaling longer, more durable asbestos fibers (such as tremolite and other amphiboles) contributes to the severity of asbestos-related disorders.
4. Exposure to asbestos, including tremolite, can increase the likelihood of lung cancer, mesothelioma, and non-malignant lung conditions such as asbestosis (restricted use of the lungs due to retained asbestos fibers) and changes in the lung lining.
5. Changes in the lining of the lungs (pleura) such as thickening, plaques, calcification, and fluid around the lungs (pleural effusion) may be early signs of asbestos exposure. These changes can affect breathing more than previously thought. Pleural effusion can be an early warning sign for mesothelioma (cancer of the lining of the lungs).
6. Most cases of asbestosis or lung cancer in workers occurred 15 years or more after the person was first exposed to asbestos.
7. Most cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed 30 years or more after the first exposure to asbestos.
8. Mesothelioma has been diagnosed in asbestos workers, family members, and residents who live close to asbestos mines.
9. Health effects from asbestos exposure may continue to progress even after exposure is stopped.
10. Smoking or cigarette smoke, together with exposure to asbestos, greatly increases the likelihood of lung cancer.
Signs and Symptoms of asbestosis can include:
Shortness of breath which is the primary symptom
A persistent and productive cough (a cough that expels mucus)
Chest tightness
Chest pain Loss of appetite
A dry, crackling sound in the lungs while inhaling.
If you suspect that you have been exposed to asbestos, speak with your physician immediately and discuss your level of exposure. Early detection of mesothelioma increases your chances immeasurably.
You can get more information about mesothelioma and find helpful information and resources here:
About the author:
Mike Andrews is a research specialist who writes informative and news worthy articles for public distribution. These works stand to improve public relations and brand identity for the companies they represent.

All About Green Tea And Polyphenols

by: Kurt Hurley

-A discovery is said to be an accident meeting a prepared mind, Albert von Szent-Gyorgyi (1893 - 1986)
Or as I like to say… When the student is ready, the teacher shall appear! By the way, have I said how much I passionately enjoy green tea, the personal benefits I have witnessed from green tea and what a fantastic unearthing this ‘ancient medicine’ is for modern western living?
After a good deal of research, I have found that there isn’t any other food or drink in general consumption reported to have the innumerable health benefits that green tea possesses...none!
The Chinese have known about the medicinal benefits of green tea since ancient times, using it to treat everything from headaches and lethargia to depression. And did you know that green tea has been used as a medicine in China for over 4,000 years… When will we westerners learn?
At present, in both Asia and America, scientific research is providing a more than solid substantiation for the health benefits long associated with drinking green tea. For instance, in 1994 the Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of an epidemiological study demonstrating that drinking green tea reduced the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by nearly sixty percent. Conversely, University of Purdue researchers recently concluded that a compound in green tea inhibits the growth of cancer cells. There is also research indicating that drinking green tea lowers total cholesterol levels, as well as improving the ratio of good (HDL) cholesterol to bad (LDL) cholesterol.
To abridge just a few of the medical conditions in which drinking green tea has proved to be helpful:
impaired immune system function
cardiovascular disease
rheumatoid arthritis
elevated cholesterol levels
numerous types of infections
muscle wasting diseases
Green tea’s ‘secret’ lies in the fact it is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a powerful anti-oxidant: besides inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. It has also been exceedingly effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels, and inhibiting the abnormal formation of blood clots. The preceding takes on added importance when you consider that thrombosis (the formation of abnormal blood clots) is the foremost cause of heart attacks and stroke. Quite startling, don’t you think?
For The Record Books…
Correlates are being drawn between the effects of drinking green tea and the "French Paradox." For years, researchers were mystified by the fact that, despite consuming a diet rich in saturated fat, the French have a lower incidence of heart disease than Americans. The answer was found to lie in red wine, which contains resveratrol, a polyphenol that limits the negative effects of smoking and a fatty diet. In a 1997 study, researchers from the University of Kansas concluded that EGCG is twice as powerful as resveratrol, which may explain why the rate of heart disease among Japanese men is significantly low, even though in excess of seventy-five percent are smokers.
So why don't other Chinese teas have similar earth-shaking health benefits? Green, oolong, and black teas all come from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. What sets green tea apart is the way it is processed.In particular, green tea leaves are steamed, which prevents the EGCG compound from being oxidized. By contrast, black and oolong tea leaves are processed from fermented leaves, which results in the EGCG being transformed into other compounds that are not nearly as effective in preventing and fighting various conditions and diseases.
Some Additional Benefits…
The latest evidence emerging is that green tea can even help dieters attain success more rapidly an efficiently. In November, 1999, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published the results of a study at the University of Geneva in Switzerland. Researchers found that men who were given a combination of caffeine and green tea extract burned more calories than those given only caffeine or a placebo.
Incidentally, green tea can even help prevent tooth decay! Just as its bacteria-destroying abilities can help prevent food poisoning, it can also kill the bacterium that causes dental plaque. Meanwhile, skin preparations containing green tea - from deodorants to creams - are starting to appear on the market showing positive effects.
The Potential Unsafe Effects?
As of today, the only adverse side effect reported from drinking green tea is mild insomnia due to the fact that it contains caffeine. On the other hand, green tea contains much less caffeine than coffee and most soda: there are approximately thirty to sixty mg. of caffeine in six - eight ounces of tea, compared to over one-hundred mg. in eight ounces of coffee and can you imagine the huge contrast in caffeine content between green tea and these ‘new’ high-tech energy drinks that are currently being consumed by the masses with such ravenous voracity.
Green Tea Polyphenols, What Are They You Ask?
Specifically, tea polyphenols are compounds in tea leaves that are natural plant antioxidants. Antioxidants have been proven to prevent damage caused by free radicals to DNA and other molecules.
How Do They Work?
Green tea polyphenols have corroborated several cancer preventive properties. In addition to antioxidant activity, these compounds may as previously mentioned have shown to reduce abnormal cell growth and inflammation; help the body get rid of cancer-causing agents; and restore communication between different cells in the body.
On Cancer… The Facts
The relationship between green tea consumption and human cancer has been studied in several different populations and at various cancer sites. Some of the studies comparing green tea drinkers to non-green tea drinkers support the claim that green tea-drinking, in fact prevents certain types of cancer. Certain dietary, environmental, and population differences may account for these discrepancies. In animal studies, different tea extracts, tea polyphenol mixtures, purified tea components, and tea infusions as the sole drinking fluid have more consistently been shown to prevent cancer, including cancers of the colon, esophagus, liver, stomach, lung, breast, pancreas, and skin. The purified component, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), prevented colon cancer, but did not prevent cancer of the esophagus in animal models. A polyphenol mixture with EGCG, called Polyphenon E, has also shown cancer preventive properties in animals. Animal studies were inconclusive as to whether EGCG or Polyphenol E caused DNA mutations that might trigger cancer growth. Both EGCG and Polyphenon E are being tested for safety and efficacy in humans.
Slower Prostate Cancer Cell Growth Found From Consumption Of Green And Black Tea
A study at The Experimental Biology 2004, in Washington, D.C., reported as part of the scientific program of the American Society of Nutritional Sciences, anti-tumor effects of green and black tea polyphenols in human tissue. And researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles found and were able to detect tea polyphenols in prostate tissue after a very limited consumption of the tea. More notably, the scientists found that prostate cancer cells grew more slowly when placed in a medium containing blood serum of men who had consumed either green or black tea for five days compared to serum collected before the men began their tea-drinking regimen. Serum from men who drank comparable amounts of diet or regular soda showed no such slowing in cancer cell proliferation.
Consequently, Dr. Susanne Henning, UCLA Center for Human Nutrition, pronounced that the UCLA research team - a combination of nutrition scientists and urologists - focused on the feasible outcome of tea polyphenols on factors named polyamines and the enzymes responsible for the production of polyamines. Elevated levels of polyamines have been connected with malignancy in humans, including prostate cancer, and - since polyamines are current in prostate tissue in high concentration - are considered a logical target for chemoprevention of prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer is one of the most widespread cancers among males in the United States, and more than a fourth of all those patients with prostate cancer are known to use alternative therapies, including green tea. This study suggests that both black and green tea are promising natural dietary supplements useful for chemoprevention of prostate cancer, according to Dr. Henning. She plans to investigate if this effect can be enhanced by consuming larger amounts of tea polyphenols in the form of green tea extract supplement capsules.
So If It’s That Good, How Much Should I Drink?
Strangely enough, there are as many answers to this question as there are researchers investigating the beneficial properties of green tea and polyphenols. Herbs for Health magazine mentions a Japanese report citing that men who drank ten cups of green tea per day stayed cancer-free for three years longer than men who drank less than three cups a day (there are approximately 240 - 320 mg of polyphenols in three cups of green tea).
Meanwhile, a study by Cleveland's Western Reserve University concluded that drinking four or more cups of green tea per day could help prevent rheumatoid arthritis, or reduce symptoms in individuals already suffering from the disease. And Japanese scientists at the Saitama Cancer Research Institute have discovered that there were fewer recurrences of breast cancer, and the disease spread less quickly, in women with a history of drinking five cups or more of green tea daily.
A University of California study on the cancer-preventative qualities of green tea concluded that you could probably attain the desired level of polyphenols by drinking merely two cups per day. So which is it? I personally don’t buy the hype that those that manufacture and sell green tea products are propagating…moderation is, like with all things probably your best bet! But given all the evidence, it is almost certainly safe to plan on drinking four to five cups of green tea daily. If you're a real aficionado, by all means imbibe more; but whether or not you'll derive added health benefits remains to be determined.
Okay, enough science… Let’s all just relax and have a cup of green tea or if you like your beverages cold like I do, a glass of ‘iced’ green tea.
About the author:
Kurt Lee Hurley, operator of,whose/ clients refer to him as the "Secret Weapon" has built over 3,000 weight loss success testimonials and his Provo, Utah Wellness Facility, Synergy Fitness Systems has become known as a "Results Factory" a "Living Laboratory" of Achievement, Enhanced Human Performance and a place to congregate for Empowerment and of course, the Success of attaining Weight Loss RESULTS!

Mesothelioma – Your Basic Information

by: William Johnston

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is becoming more and more common. The most common cause of this cancer is exposure to asbestos. When constantly exposed with insufficient protection, asbestos dust and fibres affect the mesothelial cells which make up the mesothelium. The mesothelium is the outer lining that protects some of the body’s most vital organs such as the heart and lungs. The mesothelial cells become abnormal after lengthy periods of constant exposure to asbestos causing an array of problems.
Due to the latency period and symptoms of this cancer, mesothelioma is very difficult to diagnose. Mesothelioma takes decades to mature and develop fully and this is why many elderly men who were exposed to asbestos thirty years before are just discovering they have the cancer. A lot of these men are currently lodging multi-million dollar lawsuits against the companies that exposed them to the dangers of asbestos without sufficient protection.
The organs that are affected most by mesothelioma are the lungs. The most common type of mesothelioma which is called pleural mesothelioma affects the lining of the lungs and can cause symptoms such as coughing, breathing and swallowing difficulties, shortness of breath and fever. Another area that can be affected by mesothelioma is the abdomen. This is less common and this is known as peritoneal mesothelioma. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include nausea and vomiting, weight loss, fever, bowel obstruction, loss of appetite and general pain in the stomach area. The last and least common type of mesothelioma is known as pericardial mesothelioma and it affects the heart and the tissue surrounding it. Symptoms of this form of the cancer include palpitations, breathing difficulties and persistent coughing. Generally, the symptoms of mesothelioma are typical of many other diseases and this makes it very difficult to diagnose.
There are treatments for mesothelioma although these are usually unsuccessful. If the cancer is treated aggressively in its early stages then there is a good chance of a patient surviving. However, due to the difficulty to diagnose mesothelioma, the cancer is not normally found until it is too late. Treatments that are used for mesothelioma include surgery, radiation therapy, palliative therapy and chemotherapy. Research for additional treatment of mesothelioma is being done at various cancer centers all over the United States as well as by pharmaceutical companies. For more information on the treatment of mesothelioma go to

About the author:
All the detailed information you need on the symptoms, treatment, risks, science and more about mesothelioma can be found at:
All the detailed information you need on the symptoms, treatment, risks, science and more about asbestos can be found at:

Can You Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer

 by: Kim Beardsmore

We hear it all the time…lose weight for your health. Few people however, realize the extent to which this is critical to their physical well-being and ultimately their life expectancy.
In January 2003, the Journal of the American Medical Association featured a study finding that obesity appears to lessen life expectancy, especially among young adults. The researchers compared Body-Mass Index (BMI) to longevity and found a correlation between premature death and higher BMIs. For example, a 20-year-old white male, 5’10” weighing 288 pounds with a BMI of greater than 40 was estimated to lose 13 years of his life as a result of obesity.Jamie McManus, M.D., F.A.A.F.P. and author of “Your Personal Guide to Wellness” notes that while this study referenced extreme levels of obesity, there are still millions of overweight people in developed countries with a life expectancy rate that is three to five years less than their healthy-weight counterparts. She also estimates that there are 600,000 obesity related deaths each year in America.
Just how does obesity shorten our lifespan? The answer to this question is complex, yet there is a clear link between obesity and the development of cancer. An extensive study conducted by the American Cancer Institute involving 750,000 people showed that obesity significantly increased the risk of cancer developing in the following organs: breast, colon, ovaries, uterus, pancreas, kidneys and gallbladder.
Michael Thun, MD, vice-president of epidemiology and surveillance research for the American Cancer Society (ACS) says one reason obesity may raise cancer risk is because fat cells produce a form of estrogen called estradiol that promotes rapid division of cells, increasing chances of a random genetic error while cells are replicating, which can lead to cancer. In addition, fat centered around the abdomen may increase insulin and insulin-like growth factors in the blood, which may increase cancer risk.
"Women who are obese after menopause have a 50% higher relative risk of breast cancer," notes Thun, "and obese men have a 40% higher relative risk of colon cancer…. Gallbladder and endometrial cancer risks are five times higher for obese individuals”. There is evidence that cancer rates in developed countries are increasing at 5 to 15 times faster than developing countries. A major contributor to this alarming reality has proven to be diet. In populations where the diet consists mostly of fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grains – in contrast to the typical Western diet of fatty meats, refined flours, oils and sugars – the risk of cancer is much lower.
The interaction of diet and the development of cancer is an active field of research and Dr David Heber, M.D., Ph.D. and author of “What Color is Your Diet”, says “It appears that diet has its most significant effects after the cancer has already formed, acting to inhibit or stimulate the growth of that cancer”. At the risk of oversimplifying a complex set of interactions, the typical Western diet that leads to obesity may actually act to stimulate the growth of cancer cells. It is never too late to improve your health through healthful eating and adopting a more health-giving lifestyle. Here are simple steps to follow which can make an immediate improvement to your health and vitality.
1. Check your Body Mass Index (BMI) to determine if weight has become health risk. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 60% of Americans are overweight, defined as having a BMI (a ratio of height to weight) over 25. Of those, nearly half (27%) qualify as obese, with a body mass index of 30 or more. In 1980, just 15% of Americans were considered obese. You can check your BMI at the website below.
2. Match your diet to your body’s requirements. If you eat and drink more calories than your body requires you will put on weight. Learn to control calories and portion sizes, make recipes leaner, and eat infrequently from fast food restaurants. Also learn how to snack with healthful choices.
3. Color your diet with a large variety of colorful, cancer-fighting fruit and vegetables. There are seven different color ranges of both fruit and vegetables and by choosing between 5 to 9 daily serves from a wide range of fruit and vegetables, we are extending our consumption of cancer (and other disease) fighting nutrients.
4. Eat lean protein with every meal. Protein provides a powerful signal to the brain providing a longer sense of fullness. The right source of protein is essential to controlling your hunger with fewer calories and necessary to maintain your lean muscle mass. Choices of protein should be flavored soy shakes with fruit; the white meat of chicken and turkey, seafood such as shrimps, prawns scallops and lobster and ocean fish or vegetarians may prefer soy based meat substitutes.
5. Rev up your metabolism with activity. If you want to enjoy a lifetime of well-being, exercise is a key ingredient. Colleen Doyle, MS, RD, director of nutrition and physical activity for the American Cancer Society (ACS), says adults should do something for 30 minutes each day that takes as much effort as a brisk walk. Children should be active for an hour each day. We are more likely to develop habits around things we enjoy, so seek activities which you enjoy doing. It is also helpful to build physical activity into your daily routine: use the stairs instead of the escalator or lift at work, park your car in the parking bay furthest from the super marketing and don’t use the remote control to change TV channels.
6. Get support to ensure you develop a healthful eating plan and reach your goal weight. Whilst a small percentage of people possess the discipline to lose weight, many obese people have developed strong thoughts and habits concerning the food they eat. In order to establish new habits, most people respond well to some form of consistent encouragement and coaching. A study, “Effects of Internet Behavioral Counseling on Weight Loss in Adults at Risk of Type 2 Diabetes” shows that participants who had the support of weight loss coaching lost more weight than those who didn’t. The study concluded that the support of a weight loss coach can significantly improve weight loss results.
Being overweight or obese has been identified next to smoking, as the most preventable major risk to developing cancer. Even small weight losses have been shown to have beneficial health effects. So it’s never to late to start and you can never be too young or too old to be concerned about your health and do something about achieving a more healthy weight.

About the author:
Kim is successful a weight loss coach who will help you find consistent results. You will learn how to stabilize at your goal weight and never 'diet' again. No public 'weigh-ins', meetings that cost you money or fads...simply long term results. Free, no obligation consultation: you interested in earning money from home?

Cancer Diet - The Role of Fibre

by: Marilyn Bennett

This article in the series on Cancer Diet explores the importance of fibre.
Fibre’s role in the body is to assist in the timely expulsion of waste matter from the bowel. If this waste matter stays put for too long, the body starts to reabsorb the antigens and toxins from the bowel bacteria through the gut wall.
One of the easiest ways to tell if you are getting enough fibre is to inspect your stools. Sounds most unsavoury, I know, but all you need to do is see whether they float or sink in the toilet. If they are floating you are getting enough fibre, if they sink you are not.
The reason a good cancer diet will address the need for good elimination is that as the body fights the cancer it produces even more waste matter. This puts a very heavy load on the elimination systems. If the bowels are clogged up as well, then the body struggles under a highly toxic load. This in turn takes much needed resources away from healing functions. Of course, if the patient is also having chemotherapy treatment, good elimination is even more crucial.
In a well managed cancer diet, there will already be a good proportion of raw foods, particularly fruits and vegetables. These raw foods are one of the best sources of natural dietary fibre.
Other much touted remedies such as psyllium husks can be very helpful, but it is preferable to get your fibre directly from your foods, which also contain other elements such as enzymes that help digestion.
Water is also absolutely critical for good bowel function, assisting in the flushing of the bulk material and the toxins that accumulate there. Absolutely no point in upping the fibre content then depriving the body of water so that it all becomes a big plug!
Many medications can cause constipation so be on the lookout for this side effect when starting any new ones. Also high levels of calcium and low thyroid hormones can play havoc, so if you continue having constipation after increasing your fibre and water content, make a beeline for your doctor. Constipation has far too many negative side-effects to allow it to continue too long.
Just a quick PS – every cancer diet should include pears, as they are full of fibre, water and highly nutritious to boot. If you are constipated, a full ripe pear on an empty stomach first thing in the morning followed by a glass of water has a very good chance of doing the trick!

About the author:
Marilyn Bennett’s partner Glenn was declared cancer-free after 11 months using a nutritional approach. They are now on a mission to "spread the word" re the many things they discovered we can all do to fight cancer. Please visit

Mesothelioma Cancer

by: Rob Mellor

Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer in the general population. However, in individuals that were exposed to asbestos, it is not as rare. There are experts that have speculated on other causes. There are incidences of Mesothelioma with no known asbestos exposure. Mesothelioma is not a lung cancer. Smoking does not cause it. It is a cancer of the mesothelial cells.
Causes of Mesothelioma
The only known, established cause of Mesothelioma is asbestos. The asbestos fibers are breathed in, travel through the lung and become lodged in the pleura, the thin, saran wrap-type membrane that lines that encases the lung. The pleura, produces a special lubricating fluid that facilitates the ability of the lungs to move inside the chest during breathing. The process of irritation from the infiltration of the asbestos fibers creates changes in the cells, which causes the Mesothelioma. This is known as pleural Mesothelioma. Less common is peritoneal Mesothelioma, which is a cancer of the membrane that encompasses the lining of the abdomen.
Symptoms of Mesothelioma
An individual with Mesothelioma experiences chest pain usually caused by a build-up of fluid in the pleural space called an effusion and shortness of breath. Since many doctors may not have expertise in the area of asbestos-related diseases, these symptoms are often believed, at first, to be attributable to other medical problems. A biopsy of the pleural tissue or fluid may reveal the cancer of the mesothelial cells and a proper diagnosis can thus be established. A history of the individual’s occupational exposure shall be taken. Since there is no “safe” level of exposure to asbestos, even brief, low level exposures may be enough to cause Mesothelioma.
Occurrence of Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer and its incidence is actually increasing day by day. There is presently no known cure for Mesothelioma. As the disease progresses, the cancerous cells harden the pleura and spread. As time passes, breathing, sleeping and eating become more difficult and eventually it becomes increasingly more challenging for the victim to engage in normal activities and enjoy life.
Treatments of Mesothelioma
A number of treatments have been established to help contain the spread of the disease and reduce the pain associated with it. Chemotherapy, radiation and radical surgery to remove the lung and pleura are among the options that have been explored by the treating physician.
Prevention is better than Cure
Mesothelioma is a preventable disease. Many of the corporations that manufacture and make profit from the sale of asbestos-containing products are aware of the hazards of asbestos. Alternative fibers are available that could be used instead of asbestos. But asbestos is cheap, and available, and is a good filler and binder.
To Sum up
The varied and non-specific symptoms associated with Mesothelioma, can delay detection and diagnosis The cancer has a very long latency period, which means that it could be thirty years or more before the person even realizes that they have contracted the cancer .The onset of symptoms can take up to fifty years or more in some cases, but once the symptoms have manifested the lifespan of the person can be as short as several months. So, if you or a loved one is experiencing any of the above symptoms, consult your doctor right away. Make sure that your physician is aware of any previous asbestos exposure, and occupational risk factors.

About the author:
Rob Mellor owns the free to use http://www.mesotheliomasupportonline.comwebsite/ helping people find out more about mesothelioma. Please visit the site for more information on mesothelioma cancer

Battling cancer

by: Phil Wiley

is a tough time in anyone’s life. Perhaps the toughest. That’s why we’ve decided to write this article on how to care for yourself during radiation for Breast Cancer.
It very important to properly care for yourself during radiation for breast cancer. Keep in mind that after radiation you could feel fatigued for up to six weeks. Sleep as much as you like during this time – one thing you really need is your rest.
Also, make sure after radiation that you wear a comfortable bra. Making sure your bra fits properly and doesn’t rub in any way is all part of good care for yourself during radiation for breast cancer. If a part of your bra rubs place a soft cloth between the bra and your skin.
Weight loss can be a problem after radiation treatment. In order to properly care for yourself during radiation for breast cancer make sure you eat a balanced diet. This will help you to avoid weight loss and keep your energy levels as high as possible.
Keep the skin fold area under your breast clean and talk to your doctor before using any powders, lotions, deodorants or perfumes. As part of your care for yourself during breast cancer radiation you need to make sure you are not using any products that might react with your skin at this time or do something to affect the radiation treatment in any way. Because of this it is best to avoid deodorants. Deodorants contain magnesium, and this can inhibit the effectiveness of the radiation treatment. To avoid reactions with the treated area, also avoid starching your clothes.
As part of care for yourself during radiation for breast cancer bathe the treated area in lukewarm water. This is because hot and cold water can damage your skin.
Article by health writer Kate Wiley of Health in 1
and Advice on Health
You may use this article on your website providing you include the above author bio and active link to our health sites.
About the author:
Kate and Phil Wiley run the popular health sites Health in 1
and Advice on Health

Sunlight for Your Life

by: Dr. Jamie Fettig

All life on the planet and everything in nature is dependent on the sun. Without the sun, there would be no life on the planet. All life is dependent on the sun. Plants convert the sunlight into energy, and all animals need plant life or other animals in order to live. All life in nature is dependent on the sun. We as humans are part of nature. We need sunlight just like everyone else.
Sunlight is essential for your life and health. This often brings up the concern of skin cancer. People are told the sun causes skin cancer and they should wear sunblock to prevent skin cancer. This is a big fat theory of the medical symptom and disease care profession. Skin cancer is on the rise because people are supposedly spending more time in the sun, and this is the supposed "proof" that skin cancer is caused by the sun. Did the experts happen to notice that most cancer is on the rise? Does the sun cause these cancers as well?
Well, my friends, I have a question for you. How many other bad things are on the rise that people are doing? Lots. Just because the sun hits the skin, the powers that be say it means that is the one thing that "causes" skin cancer. They are looking for the one cause and one cure. Remember, there is no one cause of anything. There are only contributing factors.
In my opinion, it is not the sun that contributes to cancer, but being burned by the sun. Most people get no exposure to the sun for months; then they play weekend warrior and go out in the sun all weekend, often getting burned. My inner knowing tells me it is this burning that is a major contributing factor to skin cancer, not the actual sun exposure.
So if you do not build up to being in the sunlight, and you know you will be in the sun for a long time, use a chemical-free sunblock.
The irony about sunblock is the stuff most people use actually contains a chemical that is known to cause cancer. The FDA says PABA is a known carcinogen, or causes cancer and yet it is in most sunblocks. How ironic. There are PABA-free sunscreens that use "new" different chemicals. My thought is that those chemicals that replace the PABA will soon be identified as carcinogens as well. Just give them time. Even PABA was labeled "safe" by the FDA at first.
My recommendation: get a good chemical-free sunblock. Many health food stores will have them. Or you can find a place near you that sells them on the web. Avalon Organics is the sunblock I recommend and use. Unfortunately, they are not available everywhere right now.
The easiest way to get sunlight is go outside. Go outside every day without contacts or any type of glasses and have large amounts of your skin exposed to the sun. For you this might not be feasible, because you live some place where there is a thing called winter. So an acceptable alternative is getting some quality full spectrum light bulbs for your work and home. These are light bulbs that put out light similar to the sun. You can order them online as well, full spectrum solutions are the brand I use. But be careful; not all full spectrum bulbs are created equal. Most of the full spectrum bulbs in traditional stores are not much of an improvement over ordinary lights.
A fun alternative is going south for the winter. Go someplace where you can hang out in the sun without glasses or contacts, with much of your skin exposed to the sun.
Either way, you need sunlight all year round to be Totally Healthy.
About the author:
The Freedom to do everything you love is what Dr. Jamie wants to help give you. He is also giving you dozens of valuable free gifts to "ethically bribe" you into helping him make his new book, "The Creator's Manual for Your Body" a ##1 best seller. This extraordinary life creating book is a complete and extremely simple guide to gaining your freedom from the limitations and constraints shackled to you by your body. For details go to:

Eating your way to a healthy body !!

by: Arun Tibrewal

Did you know that there are hidden medicinal powers in some common Spring/Summer fruits? Here are just a few for starters.
Grape - Rich in antioxidant, anticancer compounds. Red grapes, (but not white or green grapes) are high in antioxidant quercetin. Grape skins contain resveratrol, shown to inhibit blood platelet clumping (and consequently, blood clot formation) and boost good-type HDL cholesterol. Red grapes are antibacterial and antiviral in test tubes. Grapeseed oil also raises good-type HDL cholesterol.
Grapefruit - The pulp contains a unique pectin (in membranes and juice sacs-not in juice) that lowers blood cholesterol and reverses atherosclerosis (clogged arteries) in animals. Has anticancer activity and appears particularly protective against stomach and pancreatic cancer. The juice is antiviral. High in various antioxidants, especially disease-fighting vitamin C.
Kiwi - Commonly prescribed in Chinese traditional medicine to treat stomach and breast cancer. High in vitamin C, which has multiple antidisease activity.
Pineapple - Suppresses inflammation. Both the fruit and a main constituent, an antibacterial enzyme called bromelain, are anti-inflammatory. (Great for those swelled ankles we sometimes get in the heat of the summer.) Pineapple aids digestion, helps dissolve blood clots and is good for preventing osteoporosis and bone fractures because of its very high manganese content. It is also antibacterial and antiviral and mildly estrogenic.
Watermelon - High amounts of lycopene and glutathione, antioxidant and anticancer compounds. Also mild antibacterial, anticoagulant activity.
About the author:
Modern Sage [] is online health journal to learn about living a healthy lifestyle, alternative medicine. Arun Tibrewal [] is an online marketing promotions specialist since 1998. Permission is granted to reprint this article as long as the resource box should keep intact>> living a healthy lifestyle, alternative medicine.>> Honest Online Marketing Guide

Helping Someone With Cancer

by: Charles Kassotis

Do you know someone with cancer? A cancer diagnosis can be crippling in itself, inciting fear and anxiety over an unknown or perhaps dreaded future. Victims worry about their health, their looks, and their families when a doctor pronounces this terrible sentence. If a friend or family member is struggling with one of the many forms of cancer, your support and encouragement are likely to be most welcome.

But how do you help someone who has cancer? There are several things you can do to make your friend or loved one feel more at ease.

1. Treat the person the same as always. Don’t approach her gingerly, as though she might break or fade away. Nor should you overdo it, however, by talking too much or roughhousing with children who may be physically fragile. Just treat the person the same as you would if he had not been diagnosed with this condition. Of course, if the diagnosis is grim, you need adapt your attitude accordingly and not gloss over serious implications.

2. Offer practical assistance. As you have time, run errands or bring in a home-cooked meal. Grocery shopping, letter mailing, and kid drop-offs at sporting events can save the sick person’s time and energy. Depending on how well you are acquainted with the victim, you might want to come over a few hours each week to clean house, baby-sit, or cook meals for freezing.

3. Be an encouragement. Send a funny get-well card or an inspiring note. Drop off a humorous video or suggest praying together before you leave. Using discretion, you might want to let others know about the ill person’s indisposition so they can possibly help out, too.

4. Be willing to listen. Sometimes those facing a serious problem like cancer, especially when a terminal diagnosis has been given, may simply want to reminisce about the past, discuss future plans, or share difficult emotions. Just being available to listen in person, by telephone, or via the Internet can provide a beautiful source of support. Don’t push or pry, however. Wait until the person is ready to talk.

5. If the situation warrants, consider donating financial support. A single mother with two fatherless children may need to get connected to social service agencies. Or she may have some general support already, but lack a little extra money for holidays or birthdays. You may want to send a card with a $20 check that could help pay for special occasions or real needs, needs, like medication, above and beyond any insurance coverage.

6. Provide transportation. If the person grows weak or is unable to drive and family members work at jobs that keep them from driving the sufferer to appointments, ask if you can take the person when you are available. Getting around is one of the greatest challenges facing people who become immobile with serious illnesses.

Whatever your circumstances, chances are you can offer some kind of help to a person who is struggling with cancer. It will certainly be appreciated!
About the author:
For more information about helping someone who has cancer or to get help for a loved one or yourself, visit Cancer Directory at

Selenium May Help to Prevent Prostate Cancer

by: Jeremy Maddock

According to a federally sponsored study, published by a Stanford University urologist, men with abnormally low levels of Selenium in their blood are four to five times more likely to develop prostate cancer. Selenium is a trace element that is supplied in certain foods and supplements.
The study suggests that making a point of eating Selenium-rich foods, such as Brazil nuts and tuna, or taking a Selenium supplement, may help reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Supplementation is especially useful for older men, as Selenium blood content decreases with patient age.
Although there are no solid statistics regarding exactly how much levels of Selenium in the blood are improved by supplementation, head researcher, James D. Brooks, MD is decidedly optimistic about the subject. He believes that supplementation could potentially be of great benefit in preventing prostate cancer, but goes on to comment that more precise research is needed in order to discern exact statistics on the extent of those benefits.
Overall, the researchers who conducted this study believe that they have made some very interesting discoveries, and that increasing levels of Selenium in the blood can significantly reduce a patient's risk of developing the most common form of cancer affecting men.
About the author:
Jeremy Maddock is the webmaster of your source for high quality information about a variety of health products, including Selenium -

What Is Mesothelioma?

by: Angela Cambourn

Mesothelioma the medical name for cancer of the pleura (the lining of the lung and chest cavity) or cancer of the peritoneum (the lining of the abdomen). It is usually caused by prolonged or persistent exposure to asbestos.
Symptoms of mesothelioma may not appear until between twenty and fifty years after exposure, which explains why so many new cases of this form of cancer are coming to light now, even though the dangers of asbestos were realized long ago and measures taken to reduce the risk of the disease.
As with many forms of cancer, the mesothelioma tumor can spread rapidly, often infecting the opposite pleura, and continuing on to other internal organs. Symptoms include a shortness of breath, chest pains, coughing, and loss of weight.
Testing can be carried out initially by X-Ray, with a Thoric CT and open lung biopsy being used to confirm the findings of the early tests. If it is diagnosed early enough, the tumor can be surgically removed, and with follow-up chemotherapy and radiation treatment, full recovery is often possible.
However, in more advanced cases, cure is usually not possible. In such cases, chemotherapy and radiation treatment can be used alongside other pain relief treatments, to ease the symptoms. Where cure is not possible, the average survival time is between four and eighteen months, depending on the stage of the tumor and the general health of the patient.

About the author:
Angela Cambourne owns and maintains the Mesothelioma Hub, an extensive resource site.

Cancer - The Missing Point

by: Dr Randy Wysong

If one were to judge by television advertising and news reports, it would seem that the “war on cancer” is all but won. What are the weapons being heralded? Drugs, research, tests and exams. They miss the point.
“Prevention” is promoted as meaning catching the disease early. Really. That also misses the point. Is it “prevention” if you call 911 when you come home and see smoke billowing from all your windows? Do we just live with a carpe diem philosophy and wait for the doctor to tell us we have a lump in our breast or a swollen nodular prostate? Is the cause of cancer a lack of one of the new cancer drugs? Is the cause of cancer really unknown, requiring endless research?
First, let me put to rest the propaganda that the war is being won. Since President Nixon declared the war (1971) and after over 200 billion dollars have been spent on research (remember, one billion is a thousand million), more Americans will die of cancer in the next 14 months than have died in all U.S. wars ever fought combined! (Where are the protest marches?) Soon, cancer will overtake heart disease as the number one killer.
Decades ago, early in the war, there were some dramatic successes such as with Hodgkin's disease and some forms of childhood leukemia. There can be little doubt that debunking (surgical removal) of large cancers brings benefits. But the big killers such as colorectal, lung, prostate and breast cancer remain as threatening as ever. Survival gains are measured primarily in additional months (not years) added to life, not in cures. The placebo effect is by and large ignored. (People getting a sugar pill placebo in cancer studies have been known to lose their hair and some actually cure themselves by simply thinking they will be cured.) A percentage of people can experience remissions spontaneously and from simple lifestyle adjustments, but the cancer therapy is always credited with the cure. (Investigations, "Placebo Learning: The Placebo Effect as a Conditioned Response," 1985; 2(1):23. O'Regan B, et al. 1993. Spontaneous Remission: An Annotated Bibliography. Sausalito, CA. Talbot M. 1991. The Holographic Universe. New York. Harper Collins Publishers. Townsend Letter, 2004; 251:32-3.)
Statistics can always be massaged to create the result desired. This practice is rampant in cancer research. Animal models (euphemism for real living and feeling caged creatures being tortured by the millions) do not prove effectiveness across species boundaries to humans. Neither do laboratory cell lines. That's why all the "breakthroughs" based on tumor shrinkage never pan out. For-profit drug companies and National Cancer Institute grant-based research ignore metastases (the spreading cells of cancer through the body) in their positive reports. Instead they highlight and focus on more easily obtained lab results, such as "tumor shrinkage,” and on easily manipulated clinical data such as "five-year survival."
Twelve new "improved" drugs introduced in Europe between 1995 and 2000 were no better than the drugs they replaced. But the prices were all higher, in one instance by a factor of 350 times. One new "revolutionary" drug, Erbitux™, found to "shrink" tumors but not extend the lives of patients at all costs $2,400 per week. Avastin™, another costly chemotherapeutic, by the best calculation, extended the lives of 400 colorectal patients by 4.7 months. Tamoxifin™ is proven to be effective in decreasing breast cancer. Risk is decreased by about 15% but what is not equally heralded is the fact that it increased the risk of endometrial uterine cancer by about 15%. (Patient Information: Nolvadex, Zeneca Pharmaceuticals)
Are such results worth the financial devastation and miserable life that chemotherapy, radiation and surgery impose? Is that the way to spend one's remaining days? If such therapy does add a couple of months, are those couple of months really worth the poking, prodding, pain, unrelenting nausea, disfiguring, destruction of the immune system and increased susceptibility to other diseases? "Yes" would be a hard answer to justify.
In the face of a cancer diagnosis most people just throw up their hands in terror and surrender to the conventional cancer therapy death process. The feeling is that something must be done, and, since "doctors know best," one must begin the "fight" by following the advice of the doctor. But fighting does not mean surrendering to the will of another person who has their own personal agenda and narrowed field of view dictated by the club they belong to. That misses the point. You must do something.
Here's the on-point best approach:
1. Prevention means adjusting your life right now so that you are living in tune with your design. Cancer is, quite simply, the reaction of cells subjected long enough to an environment they are not designed for. The genetic apparatus loses its bearings, becomes insane, if you will, and regresses to embryonic infancy and just begins multiplying recklessly. What is the proper environment? It is that food, air, water and lifestyle you are genetically designed for. The proper healthy preventive living context is encapsulated in the Wysong Optimal Health Program™.
2. If you get cancer, don't panic. First thing is follow #1 advice. Learn. Gather as much information as you can from all resources, not just what the medical establishment provides. We try to gather such information for you in The Wysong Directory of Alternative Resources.
3. Think about what has happened in your life that has caused the disease. It is caused, it does not just happen. Correct your life.
4. You take control of your own body and you make the decisions. Determine to set right what is wrong and do it. Taking control is essential to not feeling like a helpless victim and sinking into hopeless despair – a sure mindset to speed the disease along.
5. Think long and hard before submitting to unproven cancer therapies. If the doctor cannot prove effectiveness (at least prove that you will be better off with the therapy than without) and if you are not willing to take the risk of all the contraindications, then don't submit because you think it is "all that can be done." It isn't. See #2 above.
All good things in life are hard. In our modern world, good health takes effort and attention. Preventing and reversing disease also takes effort – your effort. Begin today to take charge of your health and be the best you can be. Most chronic degenerative diseases have long latency periods, the time between when the disease begins and it manifests in overt symptoms. Most everyone reading this has such disease brewing within at this very moment. So take advantage of the window of opportunity and give your body a chance by living the life you were designed to live. That will not only prevent disease from gaining a foothold, but reverse disease that is incubating within.

About the author:
Dr. Wysong is a former veterinary clinician and surgeon, college instructor in human anatomy, physiology and the origin of life, inventor of numerous medical, surgical, nutritional, athletic and fitness products and devices, research director for the present company by his name and founder of the philanthropic Wysong Institute. He is author of The Creation-Evolution Controversy now in its eleventh printing, a new two volume set on philosophy for living, several books on nutrition, prevention and health for people and animals and over 15 years of monthly health newsletters. He may be contacted at and a free subscription to his e-Health Letter is available at

How to Cope With Cancer

by: Lynn
Picture yourself walking down the street where you live. Everything looks normal, but you have a feeling that something is not quite right. Suddenly there’s a rumble and the road buckles up around your feet. You struggle, unable to move forward. Your thoughts become erratic and scattered, just when you need clarity. People come to help you, but that sinking feeling remains and something is telling you that your life will never be the same.
If you have been diagnosed with cancer you know what I am talking about. A cancer diagnosis can knock you out like nothing you’ve experienced before, and your life won't be the same. The learning curve is steep, and you’re forced up that curve at an alarming rate so that you feel unsure of which turns to take. Sometimes you feel as if you’re in a swamp with no road at all, and you rush around desperately looking for solid ground so you can rest. Some of these experiences are common, but everyone walks a different road on the journey with cancer.
Fortunately there is a lot of help out there to guide you to safety. Sometimes there seems to be too much help – too much advice, too many decisions to make. The trick is to listen to your intuition, your “gut instinct” or that “still small voice within”. Take some time alone to ask yourself questions such as “How do I feel about that?” or “What is really important to me?” Listen for the answers which may come to you when you wake up, although it may take a few days or weeks to be clear.
Cancer gives you permission to evaluate your life and prioritize what is truly important to you. Look at your activities and the people around you to see where you gain or lose energy, and reduce the impact that energy robbers have on your health and on your life. If the problem is from a relationship or work, it may be necessary to make some changes. These decisions aren't easy, so make sure you have support from other sources. The process is worthwhile when the payoff is your health, so establish your priorities and values, and be prepared to draw a line in the sand to stay within your comfort level.
I was diagnosed with Stage II breast cancer in 1986 and 2 other minor cancers in 1987. I used the wake up call to figure out how to get rid of my excess anger and depression as well as cancer. From a variety of sources I noticed a common thread and created a list of categories which I call “Find Your Own Road” to serve as a guide in finding your unique road to health. It doesn’t mean that you walk the road alone, but that you make choices about which building blocks you will use to build your road, as it will be different from everyone else’s road. There are books, tapes and videos to suit every situation and help you “Find Your Own Road”. Take the time to choose what speaks to you. Read every book with a critical eye and take only what you need, place what you may need in the future on an imaginary shelf, and discard what does not work for you. The act of taking charge and playing an active role in your health care will move you towards a better state of health.
“Find Your Own Road” –an adjunct to conventional Western medicine
1. Nutrition
2. Exercise
3. Sleep and Deep Relaxation
4. Simplicity
5. Spirituality
6. Volunteer Work
7. Support System
8. Humor
9. Art / Music
10. Complementary Therapies
11. Visualization
12. Cognitive Therapy
Items 1, 2, and 3 are the main categories to evaluate for yourself. There are guidelines posted daily about the benefits of healthy food choices and regular exercise. Pay attention – they’re talking to you! With regard to making choices, ask yourself “Is this good for my health?” Listen for the answer, and use it to plan your diet and your exercise regime. Walking is the most basic and therapeutic exercise which can be incorporated into any lifestyle. The time spent sleeping is when your body heals, so give it ample opportunity to do that, especially if you are in active treatment for cancer. Surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy are effective in getting rid of primary cancers, but your body needs help to recuperate and maintain a healthy state afterwards. Deep relaxation means complete mental and physical relaxation for at least 15 minutes a day, this does not include time spent lying on the couch with a remote control. Deep relaxation comes from such things as deep breathing, meditation, prayer, massage.
4. Simplicity in life will help you to focus on your health. In this fast paced, high tech world we have lost sight of our basic needs and the advantages of a simpler lifestyle. Our materialistic wants can be blown out of proportion to what is really important and a cancer diagnosis serves to remind us where our priorities lie. Loving and being loved by others is a prime human need without which life just doesn’t make sense. Dealing with any unfinished business will help you achieve peace of mind and be comfortable with who you are.
5. Spirituality is an individual thing and may or may not include formal religion. Many people say that their faith has sustained them through an ordeal with cancer which is a wonderful thing for them. For those who have no formal religion, the world offers spirituality in many ways: spending time appreciating nature, and expressing gratitude for what you have, will help you to connect with your inner self and also see a bigger picture. Nurturing yourself will ultimately help you to connect with and nurture other people.
6. Volunteer work can provide you with many happy hours. When I was going through chemotherapy, I heard on the radio about a study which said that volunteering gives you satisfaction and promotes longer life. “Right, I can do that” I thought, and added one more block to build my road to health.
7. Building a support system keeps you moving forward on the road. I found support from my husband, other family members, and friends without whom I would not be where I am today. It’s tough to walk a cancer journey alone and well worth the effort to develop a strong support system. Working with other volunteers provides me with peer support; we even ran a retreat for women with breast cancer for 6 years. I am now a life coach and I coach people who would like additional support in coping with cancer.
8. 9. & 10. The fields of music, art and laughter offer a wealth of healing power. At the retreats we provided a variety of activities including music, art, and humor workshops which were well received. There were also sessions with practitioners of Massage, Therapeutic Touch, Reflexology, Reiki, Yoga, Qi Cong, Tai Chi, Spirituality, and others. The idea was to give people a sample of things that would help to promote wellness in their lives after cancer treatment.
11. We all use visualization to get us where we want to go. During my cancer treatment, I used visualization to strengthen my belief that I could do something constructive to heal myself. I found color pictures of T-cells killing cancer cells in the June 1986 edition of National Geographic magazine, and I spent many hours visualizing my cancer cells being snuffed out by hard working killer T-cells. Imagery is an individual thing so it’s important to visualize something that will work for you.
12. Cognitive Therapy has helped me to work through anger, and reduce negative self talk and depression. Positive thinking is encouraging, but without behavior change it can be superficial. Positive behavior comes from working through negative thoughts and letting them go, at the same time replacing them with positive thoughts and actions. Taking charge of your health helps to control stress from fear, anxiety or worry, and is a process which requires ongoing vigilance.
Western medicine can work wonders and I had excellent care through diagnosis, surgery, and chemotherapy in 1986 and 1987. I felt something missing though, and I struggled emotionally for a long time before I felt secure ground beneath me. Learning how to cope has now restored my confidence, but I continue to watch my step and stay focused on my road to good health. When my body tells me I’m a little off course, I make a conscious effort to get back on the road again.
Facing cancer has changed my life – I’m grateful to all the people who have been part of my journey and I appreciate every single day. I believe that by improving my quality of life, I have also been able to enjoy a greater quantity of life.

About the author:
Lynn Roodbol is a health care worker who was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1986 and 2 other minor cancers in 1987. She has attended many seminars and workshops on cancer, and volunteered in many capacities . She is now a certified coach for people with cancer and lives in Ontario Canada. Lynn can be reached at

The Importance Of Asbestos Disease Information

by: Kirsten Hawkins

Over the past few years, there has been requirement for asbestos disease information. This is mainly because of asbestos, a harmful contaminant that once finds widespread application in industries, construction processes and building materials. However, after the spread of asbestos disease information, the use of this contaminant has been banned and regulated. Increasingly the people have gained information about asbestos related diseases and have become aware about the health hazards of this dangerous material. A person who had ever worked in asbestos related manufacturing processes or occupied an asbestos contaminated building may be vulnerable to serious asbestos diseases such as asbestosis, mesothelioma, lung cancers and other respiratory disorders. – Though there is very less information about the direct link between asbestos and disease such as lung cancer, it has been proved that asbestos exposure is the major, rather the only cause for mesothelioma cancers. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer that affects the linings surrounding the vital organs such as the lungs, heart or abdomen.
What is asbestos?
According to the available asbestos disease information, asbestos is a friable material and can easily break into tiny fiber particles. These fibers are very small and invisible to the naked eyes. The persons working in asbestos related industries or subject to any other form of asbestos exposure can easily inhale these tiny fibers. The asbestos particles can remain dormant in your body for years or even decades before making their presence felt in the form of asbestos diseases such as asbestosis and mesothelioma cancer.
Mesothelioma and its Symptoms
Much of the asbestos disease information surrounds mesothelioma cancers. It is an advanced stage of cancer and nearly impossible to treat in the later stages. Mesothelioma is caused by asbestos exposure and its symptoms are quite similar to the normal problems of aging – pain in the chest, backache, pain or swelling in the abdomen and shortness of breath. The first few signs of mesothelioma are difficulty in swallowing, cough, fever, sweating, fatigue, and weight loss. However, with growing awareness and more information about asbestos disease, one can diagnose it in the early stage and could avoid serious ramifications of this disease.
Law Suits and Industries
In the recent past, the growing information about asbestos disease has led to a growth in the number of mesothelioma and asbestos related lawsuits. People suffering from asbestos diseases are filing lawsuits to recover compensation against the owners of industry causing asbestos exposure. The courts have ruled the cases in favor of victims and issued strict awards against the industries for their negligent behavior.
About the author:
Kirsten Hawkins is a asbestos and mesothelioma specialist from Nashville, TN. Visit information on asbestos reform, mesothelioma lawsuit news, and more.

Mesothelioma - Catch It Early To Avoid Big Trouble

by: Rick Hendershot

Many people have never heard of Mesothelioma and are unaware of its symptoms. Although considered a rare form of cancer, each year the number of cases grows. With the prevalence of this disease on the rise, it is critical to understand why and how Mesothelioma develops and what courses of action can be taken in the event of diagnosis. The following are some questions and answers that will provide you with information on Mesothelioma.
**What is Mesothelioma?**
Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer in which malignant (cancerous) cells are found in the mesothelium, a protective sac that covers most of the body's internal organs. The organs most commonly affected are the lungs, heart and abdominal organs. The most common form of Mesothelioma is Pleural Mesothelioma -- cancer of the lung lining. But cancerous cells are also found in the lining of the abdominal cavity (the peritoneum) and the lining around the heart (the pericardium).
**What causes Mesothelioma?**
Mesothelioma is almost always caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is often found in building materials used before the mid 1970’s. In addition, materials such as pipes, boiler insulation, floor, ceiling and roof tiles may contain asbestos. It is believed that even insignificant exposure to asbestos in environments such as asbestos mills, mines, shipping yards, some older Navy ships or even in patient's homes can result in mesothelioma. In many cases mesothelioma does not occur for decades after initial exposure to this cancer-causing asbestos. 2000-3000 cases of mesothelioma per year are currently being diagnosed. Family members of workers exposed to asbestos can also contract this disease through exposure to the worker's clothing. Like many other cancers, smoking greatly increases the risk of contracting mesothelioma.
**How much asbestos exposure will cause Mesothelioma?**
Generally, the probability of developing this form of cancer is directly related to the length of time you are exposed to asbestos. The health risk also increases with the intensity of the exposure to asbestos.
However, an exposure of as little as one or two months can result in mesothelioma 30 or 40 years later. At the age of 48, Canadian Member of Parliament Chuck Strahl, was recently diagnosed with mesothelioma and traces the cause back to changing brake pads on logging equipment after he graduated from high school. Strahl's case is a good example of the fact that Mesothelioma has a latency period of anywhere from 20 to 50 years. Like thousands of others he developed the disease long after his exposure to asbestos.
**What are the symptoms of Mesothelioma?**
Mesothelioma is a very subtle form of cancer providing only a few noticeable symptoms until it becomes extremely advanced. 75% of all mesolthelioma cases are Pleural mesothelioma - cancer of the lung lining. This type of cancer causes shortness of breath and/or chronic coughing that can easily be mistaken for allergies or a common cold. Mesothelioma is often discovered by accident when patients are being examined for these common symptoms. Other symptoms of pleural mesothelioma may include: chest pain, shortness of breath, chronic coughing that worsens over time, fatigue, wheezing, lung infection, hoarseness, weight loss, difficulty swallowing, chest or abdominal pain or blood in the phlegm from the lungs when coughing
Peritoneal mesothelioma affects the lining around the stomach and intestines and can be just as dangerous and deadly. Symptoms of Peritoneal mesothelioma include: pain or swelling in the abdomen, weight loss, bowel obstruction (blockage in the large or small intestines), anemia (reduced number of red blood cells) , and fever.
The onset of Mesothelioma is usually quite slow. Patients will begin to experience symptoms such as lower back pain and chest pain. Unfortunately, once Mesothelioma develops, it quickly becomes aggressive and treatment must be sought immediately.
**Can Mesothelioma be treated?**
Unfortunately, by the time most infected people become aware they have mesothelioma it has ceased being dormant and becomes extremely aggressive. Once it is no longer dormant, this type of cancer can travel quickly, and this makes it almost impossible to stop.
While there are treatments that are available in order to keep the patient comfortable, there is currently no cure for Mesothelioma, and as many as 75% of those who develop the disease will lose their life within one year. The remainder may last for up to an additional six months. Among the treatments that are used in order to reduce the effects of the disease are oxygen, postural drainage and pain killers. A wide range of treatment approaches are being tested, ranging from attempts to fortify the body's natural immune system to gene therapy which tries to attack the problem at the DNA level to homeopathy, herbs and acupuncture. But none have yet been shown to be very effective once the disease reaches the aggressive stage.
Given the generally poor prognosis for people who do not catch the disease in time, early detection is the best defence against Mesothelioma. If you have worked in an industry such as construction or suspect that you may have been exposed to asbestos, be alert for symptoms and contact your doctor immediately. Like all forms of cancer, detecting Mesothelioma at the earliest stage possible greatly increases your chances for survival.
About the author:
For more information about the early detection of Mesothelioma visit> Rick Hendershot is a writer and publisher of Linknet Promo Articles at Power Listings at

What Are The Four Stages of Mesothelioma Cancer?

by: David Arnold Livingston

One rare form of cancer is called Mesothelioma, a
malignant tumor in the mesothelial tissues of the lungs
and the abdomen, arising from the inhalation of asbestos.
Its rarity is one of the reasons why a lot of people are
not aware of this kind of fatal disease. In fact, many
people die of Mesothelioma undiagnosed. Although there is
now a growing awareness of the hazards of asbestos to
health, still many have not heard of Mesothelioma and
thus, have not understood its nature, cause, signs and
treatment. Even some physicians find it hard to detect
Mesothelioma because its symptoms are akin to other
diseases like lung cancer and pneumonia. Furthermore, it
takes decades for a patient who was exposed to asbestos to
develop Mesothelioma — fifty years, at most.
Being unaware of Mesothelioma poses higher risks since it
deters diagnosis and treatment. A person undergoing
treatment must know the different stages of the cancer or
the extent of the disease. Chances of recovering from
Mesothelioma and the kind of treatment depend on the stage
of the illness. There are basically two staging systems
used for Pleural Mesothelioma (lungs): TNM system and
Brighan system. These staging systems are also used in
other kinds of cancers; however, the first is commonly
used. There is no established method in determining the
stage of the Peritoneal Mesothelioma cancer (abdominal) so
the TNM system is used.
There are three variables in the TNM system: tumor, lymph
nodes and metastasis. In the earliest stage of
Mesothelioma, stage I, the malignant Mesothelioma cells
start to grow and multiply only one layer of the pleura.
The pleura is the membrane that encloses the lungs and
lines the wall of the chest cavity. However, there are
some instances wherein the pericardium (membrane that
covers the heart) and diaphragm cover are already
affected. In this case, the cancer patient is still in
stage I Mesothelioma.
In the second stage, the two layers of the pleura are
already affected by Mesothelioma. Take note, however, that
in this stage, only one side of the body is affected.
Normally, the pleura produces only small amount of
lubricating fluid that allows easy expanding and
contracting of the lungs. The excess fluid is absorbed by
the blood and the lymph vessels so there’s a balance
between the amount of fluid produced and removed. During
the second stage Mesothelioma, fluid starts to build up
between the membrane of the lungs and the membrane of the
chest wall, resulting to pleural effusion. The increase in
the volume of fluid produced causes shortness of breath
and chest pain. Other Mesothelioma cancer patients
experience dry and persistent cough. Diagnosis of the
pleural effusion is achieved through a chest x-ray.
Stage III Mesothelioma means that the malignant cells have
already spread to the chest wall, esophagus and the lymph
nodes on one part of the chest. The patient may suffer
severe pain near the parts affected. When not treated
immediately or when the Mesothelioma patient doesn’t
respond well to medication, the cancer may advance to the
fourth stage. The fourth stage Mesothelioma is formidable
since at this stage the Mesothelioma cells have penetrated
into the bloodstream and other organs in the body like the
liver, the bones and the brain. The lymph nodes on the
other side of the chest may also be affected by
Mesothelioma in stage IV.
Brighan staging system, on the other hand, determines
whether the Mesothelioma can be surgically removed or not
and whether the lymph nodes are affected or not. In stage
I Mesothelioma, the lymph nodes are not yet affected and
the patient can still recover through surgery. In stage
II, surgery can still be executed but some lymph nodes
have already been infiltrated by the cancer cells. In
stage III, the heart and chest wall are already affected;
thus, surgery is no longer advisable. The lymph nodes in
this stage, however, may or may not be affected. In the
final stage, stage IV Mesothelioma, cancer cells have
already gone to the bloodstream and other parts of the
body like the heart, brain, bone and liver. In most cases,
a patient who has reached stage IV Mesothelioma only has
four to twenty-four months to live.

About the author:
David Arnold Livingston is an advocate for Health
and recommends, as a resource:
Mesothelioma Asbestos Cancer

You Can Stop Smoking

by: Catherine Olivia

The facts are clear. There is nothing worse you could do to adversely affect your health. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death. Women are three times more likely to develop lung cancer then men. Cancer has now replaced heart disease as the number one killer of Americans aged 85 and younger. 1/3 of all cancer deaths are related to smoking.
Although there has been a huge decrease in the number of smokers between 1965 and 2000, 22 f American adults still continue to smoke. The good news is that surveys have shown that 70 f active smokers want to quit.
When you quit smoking the benefits are immediate. Blood cells that transport carbon monoxide from cigarette smoke begin to transport healthy oxygen. Even though quitting doesn't completely eliminate the risk of developing lung cancer, the risk of lung cancer starts to decline. One year after quitting smoking your chances of having a heart attack drops by half. The risk of lung cancer continues to decline and drop dramatically five to ten years after quitting. So we know that quitting is essential to enjoying a long and healthy life. The question is how do you pick the right way to stop smoking for you?
The first thing you need to know is that most smokers quit unsuccessfully several times before they quit for good. You will most likely not be successful your first time around - but you must still try! Each time you attempt to quit you come closer to finally quitting for good.
There are many organizations available to help you take control of your health and quit smoking. Most smokers find a greater success rate in groups. Organizations such as SmokEnders have community based seminars and will come to the workplace to counsel smokers. SmokEnders is a gradual stop smoking program that says it's success is based on treating the physical and the psychological aspects of smoking. They offer unlimited toll-free phone counseling.
Some people prefer to try to stop cold turkey. They stop smoking completely with little or no reduction in the number of cigarettes they smoke beforehand. As with any smoker who quits, those who quit cold turkey will experience the withdrawal symptoms of irritability, increased appetite and restlessness. For someone trying to stop smoking cold turkey help can be obtained using medications such as Zyban which lessens withdrawal symptoms. Zyban can only be obtained with a prescription.
Some smokers obtain relief from smoking withdrawal with a nicotine replacement commonly known as a nicotine patch. Patches are used for up to eight weeks. Nicotine patches are available over the counter. It is suggested that you talk to your doctor before trying any over the counter nicotine replacement therapy.
The American Cancer Society and American Lung Association have free information available. The federal government also has free information for smokers available at
About the author:
Article courtesy of

Honeybee Propolis: Good for Bees and Good for You

by: John Dawson

What's propolis?
In recent years, much scientific research has gone into the amazing health-enhancing benefits of honeybee propolis, a completely natural substance which benefits the human immune system and even helps to fight cancer.
The major benefit of propolis is that it is strongly antiseptic and antiviral; bees make it to seal their hives and protect them from disease. It works. Scientists claim that bees keep their hives more sterile than hospital operating theatres, because of propolis. Bees are doing something right to ensure their survival, because the energetic little creatures have been found fossilized in amber millions of years old.
To make propolis, bees harvest resinous sap from selected trees, then mix the resin with other plant substances and beeswax. They line their hives with this blend, ensuring that no microbes, bacteria or viruses can infect the hive.
Propolis contains a bonanza of some 180 natural compounds. These include terpenes, widely used for medicinal purposes, benzoic acid, a natural preservative, and caffeic acid, currently being studied for its anti-tumour properties. Propolis also contains flavonoids.
Good things in propolis
Propolis contains medicinal terpenes
The medicinal benefits of terpenes have been known for centuries. Terpenes are widely found in nature. Menthol, for example, is a terpene which is isolated from various varieties of mints like spearmint and peppermint. Menthol gives topical pain relief and is also antipuretic – that is, it relieves itching. Taxol is a diterpene which is isolated from the bark of the Pacific yew; it is widely used as an anticancer drug.
Propolis contains caffeic acid: a cancer fighter
In tissue cultures, caffeic acid inhibits the development of human breast cancer cells, and of melanoma skin cancer cells. Many different studies have confirmed this response to caffeic acid. The medical journal, Cancer Research, has proposed that the caffeic acids in propolis could even help to prevent colon cancer, because in experiments, propolis stopped the formation of cancerous growths in rats which had been exposed to carcinogens. Much study continues to be done with caffeic acid and propolis.
Propolis contains flavonoids, which are protective against heart disease and cancer
Flavonoids are complex chemicals which found in fruit, tea, soy and propolis. Flavonoids are responsible for the colours of plants, and are antioxidants which protect plants from harmful free radicals. Flavonoids are a huge mix of chemicals, much more complex than vitamins. They've been studied because foods containing flavonoids are protective against illnesses like heart disease and cancer.
What can propolis do for you?
Propolis boosts and rejuvenates your immune system
Your immune system determines the state of your health. With a strong immune system, you're fighting fit. When your immune system is compromised, by stress or by any illness, you're correspondingly less able to fight off infection, and your body ages faster because cells aren’t repaired properly.
In a Polish study, a double-blind trial of propolis found that propolis stimulates the immune system. This stimulation protects against cellular deterioration, fights off harmful bacteria, and stimulates the formation of antibodies to fight disease-causing agents.
Propolis boosts antibiotics, helping them to fight super bugs
Propolis has been found to be effective against Staphylococcus aureus, a deadly bacteria, which is now resistant to all but one pharmaceutical antibiotic. It's estimated that up to ten per cent of all US hospital patients become infected with S. aureas, which causes surgical infections, blood poisoning, and a form of pneumonia. If you're taking an antibiotic, propolis can work synergistically with it.

John and Barbara Dawson know that Goldshield Elite's Honeybee Propolis is effective. They say: "Our granddaughter, Charlotte, who is just three, takes two capsules daily and manages to fight off all the bugs which go around at nursery school. Any colds she may get she usually shrugs off within a day."

About the author:
John Has been involved in the health and wellness industry for over five years.The human body requires good nutrition to renew, repair and rejuvenate itself on a daily basis.We are overtaxed by hectic lifestyles, pollution, overly processed food, and poor food choices that contribute to dietary deficiencies. John created http://www.lifestylesuccess2007.comfrom/ his experiences and personal success and now supplies cutting edge, scientifically backed nutritional products.